Error Detection and Error Handling
29 September 1997 – Subject To Change
Error Flows
CBOX_STATUS: <MEMORY> is set if source of fill data is memory/system; is
clear if source is Bcache.
CBOX_ADDR: Contains the physical address bits <39:04> of the octaword
associated with the error.
8.1.6 Bcache Tag Parity Errors—Istream
Machine check occurs before the instruction causing the error is executed.
Bad data may be written to the Icache or Icache refill buffer and validated.
Can be retried if there are no multiple errors.
Must flush Icache to remove bad data. The Icache refill buffer may be flushed by
executing enough instructions to fill the refill buffer with new data (32 instruc-
tions). Then flush the Icache again.
CBOX_STATUS: <TAG_PAR_ERR> is set; <MULTI_ERR> is set if there are
multiple errors.
CBOX_ADDR: Contains the physical address bits <39:04> of the octaword
associated with the error.
The Bcache hit is determined based on the tag alone, not the parity bit.
The victim is processed according to the status bits in the tag, ignoring
the control field parity. PALcode can distinguish fatal from nonfatal
occurrences by checking for the case in which a potentially dirty block is
replaced without the victim being properly written back and the case of
false hit when the tag parity is incorrect.
8.1.7 Bcache Tag Parity Errors—Dstream
Machine check occurs. Machine state may have changed.
Cannot be retried, but may only need to delete the process if data is confined to a
single process and no second error occurred. The Bcache hit is determined based
on the tag alone, not the parity bit. The victim is processed according to the sta-
tus bits in the tag, ignoring the control field parity. PALcode can distinguish fatal
from nonfatal occurrences by checking for the case in which a potentially dirty
block is replaced without the victim being properly written back and the case of
false hit when the tag parity is incorrect.
CBOX_STATUS: <TAG_PAR_ERR> is set; <MULTI_ERR> is set if there are
multiple errors.