DG-GS1512HP User Manual
Figure 135 - QoS > General > IP Precedence Mapping
IP Precedence to Queue Mapping
IP Precedence
IP Precedence value.
Queue value which IP Precedence is mapped.
Queue to IP Precedence Mapping
Queue ID.
IP Precedence
IP Precedence value which queue is mapped.
4.12.2. Rate Limit
Use the Rate Limit pages to define values that determine how much traffic the
switch can receive and send on specific port or queue. Ingress/Egress Port
This page allow user to configure ingress port rate limit and egress port rate limit.
The ingress rate limit is the number of bits per second that can be received from
the ingress interface. Excess bandwidth above this limit is discarded.
To display Ingress / Egress Port web page, click
QoS > Rate Limit > Ingress /
Egress Port