ST Electronics (Info-Security)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is DiskCrypt Mobile DCM300?
DiskCrypt Mobile DCM300 is a secure hard disk enclosure for 2.5” SATA hard drives. It
provides access control via two-factor authentication and data-at-rest security via
hardware-based full disk encryption.
How easy it is to use DiskCrypt Mobile DCM300?
It is very simple and straightforward. After installing the hard drive into DCM300, it is as
simply as connecting DCM300 to your computer, inserting your smart card and entering a
PIN. No software installation is required at all.
What are the advantages of using DiskCrypt Mobile over other USB drive
DiskCrypt Mobile provides state of the art security via two-factor authentication and
hardware-based full disk encryption. It is the only hard disk enclosure that utilizes smart
card technology for two-factor authentication
What are the advantages of smart card authentication over hardware
Smart cards are a proven technology for secure storage of information. DiskCrypt Mobile
stores the encryption key in smart cards. While other encrypted drive enclosures make
use of hardware keys to store the encryption key, these keys are not secure, and can be
easily duplicated if they are lost/stolen, hence compromising the encryption key and the
data within the hard drive. Smart cards however require a PIN to access data within. Even
if the cards and enclosure are both lost or stolen, your data is still secure as the PIN is
only known to you.
What is two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication is an authentication protocol that requires two independent
methods to establish one’s identity and privileges. DiskCrypt Mobile implements two-
factor authentication by requiring that the user have the associated smart card
(something you have) and knowledge of the PIN (something you know). This offers
stronger security than traditional password or hardware key only security.
What are the advantages of two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication offers stronger security than traditional password, biometric or
hardware key/token only systems. Should your smart card be stolen/lost along with your
DiskCrypt Mobile, your data will still be secure as long as the PIN is only known to you.
As of 4/13/2009