888/24 I/O
The Calibration Process
To calibrate the input level of an an-
alog device to a mixing console’s output
level, you would typically send a 1 kHz
tone at 0 VU from the console to the ana-
log deck and align the recording deck’s
meters to read 0 VU.
With a digital recording device such
as the 888/24 I/O, however, in order to al-
low for headroom, you must align a 0 VU
tone from the console to a value less than
zero on the 888/24 I/O, by exactly the
amount of headroom that you want.
For example, to have 12 dB of headroom
above 0 VU with the 888/24 I/O, you must
align the incoming 0 VU 1kHz tone to a
level of –12 dB. For 18 dB of headroom,
you would align it to –18 dB. (Since it is as-
sumed that you are using the 888/24 I/O
with a +4 dBu console, a 0 VU signal level
coming out of the console is actually equiv-
alent to a n4 dBu level signal.)
Calibrating The 888/24 I/O
If you are using Pro Tools 5.0 or later, you
can put Pro Tools software in a special op-
erating mode called calibration mode, then
use the Signal Generator Plug-In to gener-
ate a test tone for calibration of the
888/24 I/O.
If you are using Pro Tools 4.3.1 or earlier,
refer to Appendix C: Calibrating the
888/24 I/O (Pro Tools 4.x) for calibration in-
The Pro Tools Installer includes several pre-
configured calibration session templates
that cover most common calibration set-
ups. You can use these in addition to the
calibration procedure given below.
Turn down your monitoring system before
beginning calibration. The Signal Generator
Plug-In emits a continuous signal when in-
serted on a track.
During calibration, set all Pro Tools track
faders to their default of 0 dB by Option-Shift-
clicking (Macintosh) or Alt-Shift-clicking (Win-
dows) on any fader in the session.
To calibrate the 888/24 I/0:
In Pro Tools, choose Setups > Preferences
and click Operation.
Under Output Options, select Direct Out-
At the bottom of the Operation Prefer-
ences dialog, enter a Calibration Reference
Level value (a level of –18 dB is typical).
Click Done.
Create a new audio track and insert the
Signal Generator Plug-In on the track.
Set Signal Generator’s output level. This
should be the same value you entered as
the Calibration Reference Level in step 3.
Set Signal Generator’s frequency to
1000 Hz.
Set Signal Generator’s signal waveform to
Route the track’s output to Bus 1.
Create a mono auxiliary input track for
each 888/24 I/O output you want to cali-
brate. Set the output assignment for each of
these auxiliary inputs to its respective
888/24 I/O output.
Set the input of each auxiliary input
track to Bus 1.