How to test an WR44V2 step by step.
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Test SIM detection switch
With the router powered off, insert a SIM card into BOTH SIM slots of the WR44V2 and open the CLI
Access to the CLI (Command Line Interface) – this can be achieved:
Through the serial port @115200 bps
Via a telnet or SSH connection
Via the “execute a command” page of the web user interface.
Issue the following command:
simconn ?
This command tells you which SIM slots are populated and also the SIM that is currently in use. The
value before the comma is SIM 1 and the value after the comma is SIM 2. 1000 means that the SIM is
present. 1001 means that the SIM is present and the active SIM. Here is a summary:
1 = SIM not present
1000 = SIM present
1001 = SIM present and connected
The output should be as follows:
simconn ?
simconn: 1001,1000
Showing that SIM 1 is present and active and SIM 2 is present.
If the SIM cards are physically inserted but do not show as present please request an RMA with reason