General Purpose Flash Memory
Update the firmware over-the-air
XBee Wi-Fi RF Module User Guide
.ebin bytes
214,016 to 215,039
215,040 to 216,063
216,064 to 217,087
Verify the new application
For an uploaded application to function correctly, every single byte from the .ebin file must be properly
transferred to the GPM. To guarantee that this is the case, GPM VERIFY functions exist to ensure that
all bytes are properly in place. The FIRMWARE_VERIFY function reports whether or not the uploaded
data is valid. The FIRMWARE_VERIFY_AND_INSTALL command reports if the uploaded data is invalid. If
the data is valid, it begins installing the application. No installation takes place on invalid data.
Install the application
When the entire .ebin file is uploaded to the GPM of the target node, you can issue a FIRMWARE_
VERIFY_AND_INSTALL command. Once the target receives the command it verifies the .ebin file
loaded in the GPM. If it is valid, then the device installs the new firmware. This installation process can
take up to eight seconds. During the installation the device is unresponsive to both serial and RF
communication. To complete the installation, the target module resets. AT parameter settings which
have not been written to flash using the
command will be lost.
Important considerations
The firmware upgrade process requires that the device resets itself. Because of this reset parameters
which have not been written to flash are lost after the reset. To avoid this, write all parameters with
command before doing a firmware upgrade.
Because explicit API Tx frames can be addressed to a local node (accessible via the SPI or UART) or a
remote node (accessible over the RF port) the same process can be used to update firmware on a
device in either case.