Adaptive Answer
Adaptive Answer allows a modem to discriminate between incoming fax or data calls, and
answer appropriately.
Analog Signals
Continuous, varying waveforms such as the voice tones carried over phone lines.
American National Standards Institute.
American Standards Committee on Information Interchange. A standard used by IBM and
compatibles to represent numbers and characters in binary form.
Asymmetric Data Rates
In asymmetric transmissions, the send and receive speeds may be different. Having the ability
to have differing send and receive speeds allows you to take advantage of the line conditions,
giving the best performance possible.
In asynchronous transmissions, the length of time between transmitted characters is not
uniform. The receiving modem must be signaled with Start and Stop bits as to when the data
bits of a character begin and when they end.
Audio Frequencies
The frequencies which the human ear can detect (usually in the range of 15 to 20,000 Hertz).
Only those from 300 to 3,000 Hertz are transmitted through the phone.
Audio, Full Duplex
An audio mode in which data can be sent and received at the same time. This mode must be
supported by the audio hardware you are using. If you have the option of using it, you will
probably find that it is more like natural conversation than using half duplex.
Audio, Half Duplex
An audio mode in which data can travel only in one direction at a time. This mode is
determined by the kind of audio hardware you are using.
Authoring Systems
Authoring systems are used to create multimedia applications. They combine existing