Document Title:
Remote Tomo5 operation guide for eBIC microscopes
Kyle Morris
Julika Radecke
Andrew Howe
27 Jun 2022
If you have any questions at any point during set-up, please ask your Local Contact for assistance Page 4 of 29
1 Preparation
1.1 Communication
Prior to your session, please reach out to your local contact with the following information about
your session and the grids you have shipped.
1) Target pixel size:
2) Target total dose:
3) Grid type & mesh size:
4) Grids are clipped (y/n):
5) Number of grids:
6) Any loading instructions (if required):
1.2 Remote connection
Prior to your session, please check you can log in on NoMachine as described in the
guide. You will not see an instrument until your session is scheduled but you
should check you can successfully log in to nx-cloud.diamond.ac.uk via NoMachine.
1.3 Quick start guide
1) Make your Atlas session
2) Atlas your grids
3) Check your Presets
4) Check Image Shift Calibrations
5) Make your Tomo session
6) Batch position setup
7) Position refinement
8) Perform AutoFunction alignments in EPU
9) Start data collection
1.4 Reasonable session timings