Document Title:
Remote Tomo5 operation guide for eBIC microscopes
Kyle Morris
Julika Radecke
Andrew Howe
27 Jun 2022
If you have any questions at any point during set-up, please ask your Local Contact for assistance Page 27 of 29
5.2.2 Start tomography acquisition
Double check data collection parameters agree with dose calculation and desired tilt scheme,
then begin acquisition
Data Acquisition
Hit start to commence data collection
Monitor the beginning of data acquisition and frequently during your session.
As batch positions have their tomograms collected, their status will update
Inform your local contact that you have started your data acquisition
5.2.3 Plan to request your dewar return
Communicate with your local contact your plan for the session and return of dewar
Request your dewar return in ISPyB
Select visit/proposal
Proposal number > Shipments > Select shipment
Scroll to Shipment Contents
Click ‘Dispatch dewar back to your lab’