Document Title:
Remote Tomo5 operation guide for eBIC microscopes
Kyle Morris
Julika Radecke
Andrew Howe
27 Jun 2022
If you have any questions at any point during set-up, please ask your Local Contact for assistance Page 14 of 29
defocus offset (-25 to -50 µm) and/or a shorter exposure time to decrease cross-
correlation from hole patterns.
If using lacey grids or lamella
: there may not be enough signal for a strong cross-
correlation peak. Try changing the Eucentric Height Preset to a larger defocus offset (-
50 to -75 µm) and/or a longer exposure time to improve the cross-correlation peak.
Image Filter Settings troubleshooting
Select the Preset you want to optimise the Image Filter Settings for:
Low SA (euc. height / overview tracking)
High SA (Focus, Tracking)
With stage set to 0°, Acquire Image 1
With stage set to 5°, Acquire Image 2
Click compare
Look for reliably found cross-correlation peak
In the case of not finding a cross-correlation peak, try:
Longest wavelength (nm)
– ¼ of the scale bar
Shortest wavelength (nm)
– 1/40 of the scale bar
Systematically try using different filters
Try adjusting the Tapering value
Manual eucentric height troubleshooting
Tomography grids vary more than SPA grids (regular hole pattern versus cells on a grid), so there is no general
image filter that can be applied when calculating a cross-correlation. If there is not a good cross-correlation peak
when finding eucentric height, then the Image Filter may need to be adjusted for your current grid. The Image
Filter Settings are available to the user under the Preparation tab.