MV3A Mobile Antenna System
General Information
MV3A has 4 band capability—2m/6m, plus 2 HF bands though use of loading coils. The MV3A is supplied with HVC28 (10m) loading
coil. There are four optional HF coils available: HVC7 (40m), HVC14 (20m), HVC18 (17m), and HVC21 (15m). The MV3A has a fold-
over structure which allows for entrance into parking structures (i.e. garages, buildings, etc.). Use DIAMOND model MX62M Duplexer
for single antenna operation with ICOM IC-706, Yaesu FT100 or for combining HF & VHF transceivers.
Bands Supplied
Power, PEP:
HF 120 watts / VHF 200 watts
Mount Connection:
58” (with the HVC7 installed, total length is 80”)
1.5:1 Nominal–MV3A (10m/6m/2m)
2m: 144.5-148 MHz; 6m: 52-54* MHz;
(Nominal BW)
10m Loading Coil: 28-29 MHz (± 300 Khz)
HVC7 (40m): (± 28 Khz)
HVC14 (20m): (± 60 Khz)
HVC18 (17m): (±140 Khz)
HVC21 (15m): (± 180 Khz)
*6MSSB-EXT (6m SSB) (± 500 Khz)
Element Phasing:
2m, 1/4
Recommended Antenna Mounts:
Diamond K400C or K600M
Recommended Duplexer:
Diamond MX62M
Installation Instructions
The MV3A requires vehicle ground.
If installing HVC7 (40m) loading coil, install on top (vertical position) only. Some installations may require a nylon
cable to relieve stress on vehicle mount.
The MV3A 6m/2m tuning assumes that at least one loading coil is mounted at the top end. VSWR may be out of
specification without the coil(s).
Choose desired mounting location to insure maxi-
mum strength of mount, best performance of antenna, and
proper vehicle ground.
Assemble MV3A with desired loading coil (HVC28
10m coil is included in package) and install on vehicle mount.
NOTE: Metric Hex wrenches are enclosed.
With quality VSWR meter, check VSWR on all bands
to insure proper tuning of antenna. The loading coil rods
may require adjusting or trimming to reach best VSWR. If
it is necessary to trim coil rods, do so in 1/8” increments
only, until lowest VSWR is obtained at desired center fre-
quency. Shortening coil rods will have the effect of raising
the resonant frequency. Check both the high and low band-
width edges before cutting.
—10m Coil
MV3A Parts List
Discharge Protection Cap
Trim element with cutting de-
vice appropriate for cutting
metal. (i.e. Hacksaw, etc.)
Metric Hex Wrench M4