D i a l o g i c P C I L i n e c a r d s
1081-50821-00 Rev 01
October 2011
Cabling D/41JCT-LS Linecards to the Telephone System
Once the D/41JCT-LS linecard are installed in the platform, you can cable the platform to the
telephone system. OneBox assigns port numbers in ascending order based on the linecard
identification number. For example, a D/41JCT-LS linecard to which you assigned the linecard
ID 1 is assigned line numbers 1
–4; a D/41JCT-LS linecard to which you assigned the linecard ID
2 is assigned line numbers 5-8 (Figure 2).
Refer to the topic, ―
‖ for information on assigning the linecard ID. Keep this assignment
scheme in mind when connecting each D/41JCT-LS linecard to the telephone system.
Figure 2: Line assignment scheme for the D/41JCT-LS linecard
There are four RJ-11 connectors on the rear bracket of the D/120JCT-LS linecards. Figure 3
shows the pin-out of these modified connectors.
Pin 4: Tip 1
Pin 3: Ring 1
Figure 3: Pin-outs of the modified RJ-11 connector
D/41JCT-LS linecards require RJ-11 connectors to interface with the telephone system. You
may need linecord adapters to connect to the Cal Server platform depending on the type of line
interface installed at your site. If linecord adapters are required and not included with the
linecards, please contact your Customer Service representative.
ID# 2
Line 1
Line 5
Line 2
Line 6
Line 3
Line 7
Line 4
Line 8