Quick guide for use of lift model
Doc date :
Doc :USE-DHVZS-EN-2011-01
Last Rev date :
Created / amended by : Lok3
Approved by : Pol Derie
§1 - Introduction
This document forms a quick guide for the use of the lift model DH-VZS. It must be read in conjunction with the general
user’s manual with regards to the safety instructions for the operator (chapter A), the periodic maintenance (chapter B),
and the legal requirements regarding period testing and certification (chapter C).
In case of doubt, stop immediately, and ask further advice from DHOLLANDIA prior to continuing.
§2 - Electrical controls
The DH-VZS is partially operated by hand, partially via a 2-button wander lead with spiral cable. The movement of the lift frame IN /
OUT the vehicle body, and the folding / unfolding of the platform is done by hand. The electrical control is used to LIFT / LOWER the
platform, when the lift frame is positioned in its work position outside the vehicle.
The electrical control unit works as follows:
Consult the user’s manual before getting
started. Follow all safety instructions.
Check if the lift can be used safely, and
that no urgent maintenance or repair is
required. DO NOT continue if any unsafe
condition exists
Switch on the electrical power to the lift
(cabin switch in the driver’s cabin, or main
battery isolator switch)
Press LIFT to check if the hydraulic system
is building up pressure, and there is no
visual oil leaks.
§3 - Putting the lift into service