Table 1.2 RGI-30 Finger load Table .
Max allowable vertical load (static)
Max allowable moment Mx (static)
2 N m
Max allowable moment My (static)
1.5 N m
Max allowable moment Mz (static)
2.5 Nm
1.2 Dimensions
The dimensions of gripper contain the specific size of the gripper, the mounting hole, as shown
in Figure 1.3:
Figure 1.3 Dimensions
1.3 Indicator
The gripper can feed back the state of the gripper in real time. In addition to the command
reading, it can also be judged on the color of the indicator:
Color description of indicator
·Uninitialize state:
Red light blinks, other lights are off.
·Initialized State:
the blue light is always on, indicating that it is in the operable state.
·Received command state
: the red light blink once quickly (because the blue light is
always on at this time, the gripper indicator light will looks like a purple light).
·Object Caught state:
green light is always on, other lights are off.
·Object dropped state:
green light blinking.