Figure 3.1 (a) graphical configuration
Figure 3.1 (b) test software register configuration
The second way:
You can use continuous multiple register write 10 (HEX):
Send: 01 10 0405 000C 18 03e8 0014 000A 0100 0014 0002 0000 0064 0005 0250 0064 000a
9f 44
Receive: 01 10 04 05 00 0C D1 3D
3.2.2 Open IO
Turn on the IO mode switch and write 01 at the register of 0x0402 to open it, as shown below:
The specific instructions are as follows:
Send: 01 06 04 02 00 01 E8 FA
Return: 01 06 04 02 00 01 E8 FA