SyStem SetuP
DEWE2-M7s • Technical reference • Printing version 1.0.1 • April 8, 2021
DW2-PS-DC-BUFFER (option)
The DEWE2-M series system is equipped with an internal buffer battery to bridge supply voltage drops of up to 5
minutes. This option is especially useful for in-vehicle testing to bridge the cars battery voltage drop when starting the
engine but also for many other applications where short power breakdowns must not interrupt the measurement, e.g.
power monitoring.
Battery exchange has to be done by qualified persons only.
System recovery
For more information regarding a total recovery refer to the corresponding total recovery technical reference manual
shipped with your DEWE2 system.
The TRION-SYNC-BUS (SYNC I/O, SYNC OUT) is used to synchronize two or more DEWE2 systems with up to 100 m
distance between each node. The TRION-SYNC-BUS consists of two RJ-45 sockets. One socket being a synchronization
OUT, whilst the other one could either be used as synchronization IN or OUT.
Depending on the usage of the SYNC I/O (input or output) the LED indicates if the system clock is available or received
correctly from another system. The green LED indicates that the acquisition is running. If the acquisition stops the LED
will be off.
LED indication
RED (stable)
Clock detected
Clock detected / receiving clock
Green (stable)
Acquisition running
Acquisition running
Tab. 8: LED indication