6. Firmware upgrade
Download the
(.dxu file) from the Dewesoft downloads page under
the section Drivers.
Unzip the file and copy the *.dxu file into the Firmwares folder of your DewesoftX® installation
(e.g. D:\DewesoftX\System\\Firmwares).
Connect the Dewesoft instrument to the PC and run DewesoftX®
Go to settings under the Update tab:
Image 6: Update options
If the firmware package isn’t selected, select it by pressing the button and find the folder with
the firmware file in it.
Select the device you want to upgrade and start the firmware upgrade by pressing the
“Upgrade” button.
7. DewesoftX® license information
DS-CAN2 or any other Dewesoft device already comes with an embedded Dewesoft license. You can
check the license details with all the available options in the Licensing tab
by pressing the three
dotted buttons
. However if the user decides to upgrade the license with an additional extension,
DewesoftX® will require a new license registration. The registration can be made online
or offline by
importing an offline license
in case the system doesn’t have an internet connection. Offline license
can be pre-registered on a different PC with the internet connection. If needed, the license can also be
written on the actual device
Active and embedded licenses are seen under the Active licenses tab. If the license is recognized as
none active, it usually means that the wrong license was entered.
DS-CAN2 V20-2