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but the timeout has not expired, an alarm will be generated upon the channel’s next time slot if the
level is still below the specified threshold and the timeout expires.
If the General Alarms (
“Alarms Settings Screen” on page 70
) and Logger
mode alarms are enabled, and set to different parameters, alarm notifications from both alarm
types will be sent and received.
If the notification option is global disabled, notifications will not be sent, irrespective
of whether they are enabled or disabled.
Range (Thresholds) – interactive slider used to adjust the Low & High thresholds on which
an alarm will be generated;
Trigger Time – waiting time before Active Alarm is generated;
Release Time – waiting time before Idle Alarm is generated;
RDS/RBDS Group Alarm – an alarm only for selected groups will be generated.
For detailed information on Alarm trigger and notifications
Pressing [Export] will export the settings applied to a particular channel. This option is very
useful when several devices in one region are used, or just to store the information for future usage.
To export the settings, follow the instructions below:
1. Press [Export], a new dialog window will appear;
Choose a directory to save the (*.ssi) file;
3. Press [Save].
Allows you to import a preliminary saved settings. To import the (*.ssi) file, follow the
instructions below:
1. Press [Import], a new dialog window will appear;
Choose the (*.ssi) file to be uploaded;
3. Press [OK] and wait for the process to be completed;
4. Press [Save] to save the changes.