the crankcase (approximately 20
minutes). Add oil as required to
bring the level to the Full mark
on the dipstick.
If the engine oil level is constantly
above normal and excess lube
oil has not been added to the
crankcase, consult with an
authorized Detroit Diesel service
outlet for the cause. Fuel or coolant
dilution of lube oil can result in
serious engine damage.
How to Select Fuel Oil
Detroit Diesel engines are designed to
operate on most diesel fuels marketed
Fuel quality is an important factor
in obtaining satisfactory engine
performance, long engine life, and
acceptable exhaust emission levels.
In general, fuels meeting the
properties of ASTM designation
D 975 (grades 1-D and 2-D) have
provided satisfactory performance.
The fuels used must be clean,
completely distilled, stable, and
non-corrosive. For more information
regarding the significance of these
properties and selection of the proper
fuel, refer to publication, Engine
Requirements – Lubricating Oil, Fuel
and Filters (7SE270), available from
authorized Detroit Diesel distributors.
Do not use fuel with sulfur content
above 0.05 mass percent for Detroit
Diesel EGR engines.
Fuel Contamination
Generally, fuel contamination
occurs as the result of improper fuel
handling. The most common types
of contamination are water, dirt, and
microbial growth (“black slime”).
The formation of varnishes and
gums resulting from poor stability or
extended storage (“stale fuel”) also
affects fuel quality. The best treatment
for contamination is prevention by
maintaining a clean storage system
and choosing a reputable fuel supplier.
Supplemental additives are not
recommended due to potential
injector system or engine damage.
Our experience has been that such
additives increase operating costs
without providing benefit.
The use of supplemental fuel additives
does not necessarily void the engine
warranty. However, repair expenses
which result from fuel system or
engine component malfunctions or
damage attributed to their use will
not be covered.
All information subject to change without notice. (Rev. 01/04)