If you are staining an unfinished mantel (W32AUA
only), remove any sawdust, dirt or oils. This will prevent blem
ishes from appearing under the stain. Stain mantel before
assembling according to manufacturer’s instructions. Apply
sanding sealer.
If you are painting an unfinished mantel
(W32AUA only), assemble mantel before painting. Follow
directions listed on paint for wood products. Apply base coat
and top coat following directions listed on product.
Gather all mantel pieces together before assembling.
Assembling mAntel
WARning: Use only 1/2" screws to attach metal
angle brackets. Damage to mantel will result if other
screws are used for this purpose.
imPORtAnt: more than one person is required to lift
assembled mantel. lift mantel by leg assemblies. lifting
by header or mantel top could damage mantel.
When assembling mantel do not tighten screws completely
until told to do so. There should be some play in the pieces
to allow for proper alignment and best possible fit. It is very
important that more than one person assemble mantel. Panels
must be held in proper alignment to each other while tightening
screws to assure fewer gaps and proper surface alignment.
When tightening screws, do not over tighten. This may cause
threads to strip. The supplied Allen wrench should be used
rather than a power screwdriver. Panels have threaded inserts
installed at screw locations. Screws should start and turn easily
in threaded holes when assembled according to instructions.
Do not force screws into holes.
: There is a serial number label inside of right
side panel and on outside package. When calling to request
technical assistance or for replacement parts please have
that number ready.
W32AUA And W32AOSA WAll MAntel And
BASe With PeriMeter triM
AssemblY AnD instAllAtiOn instRUCtiOns
Read entire instruction sheet before
assembling or installing mantel kit.
these mantels are only approved for use with any
DESA Heating Products 32" fireplace system. Do
not use mantel with any other product.
This mantel kit contains the following:
• Mantel pieces - unassembled and marked as follows:
#1 Base
#2 Right Side with arrow
#3 Right Front Leg with arrow
#4 Left Side with arrow
#5 Left Front Leg with arrow
#6 Header with arrow
#7 Top
#8 Header Assembly Blocks (2)
• Perimeter Trim Kit (for Gas Fireplace)
• Hardware Kit*
14 - Metal Brackets
28 - Screws M6 x 12 mm (1/2")
14 - Screws M6 x 30 mm (1
14 - Washers M6
1 - Allen Wrench
* Extra hardware may be included.
If any wood pieces are missing or damaged, contact the
dealer where you purchased this mantel for replacement.
If hardware or trim is missing or damaged, contact DESA
Heating Products at 1-866-672-6040 for referral. You can
also visit DESA Heating Products' technical service web site
WARNING: Follow guidelines of paint or finish
manufacturer. Use care when finishing or painting an
unfinished mantel (W32AUA only). Do not finish or paint
mantel pieces near running heater or open flame. These
vapors are highly flammable.
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