User Handbook
This manual is designed to provide you with a short reference guide to the major
features and functions of your assigned laptop. We are always happy to receive
suggestions about topics you feel should be included in future versions.
The manual is available as a pdf [ portable document format ] file on the DELTA
website at
All of the manuals
relating to laptop use at Sheridan can be found at this site.
Another useful link particularly for information on mail setup is the website main-
tained by Sheridan’s IT department - see screen capture at the left. The link is
. As you can see from the screen capture, there is
documentation as well as News and Service descriptions.
Support is available.
If your laptop is not
functioning correctly,
please take it to the
ITSC at either cam-
pus. At Davis room
B195 and at Trafalgar
room A125.
If you are having
difficulty with any of
the procedures de-
scribed in this manual
and are a student
please visit one of the
drop-in rooms where a
Tech Tutor may be
able to assist you one
to one. The drop-in
rooms are C110 at
Trafalgar and B128 at
Davis. The schedule
which describes the
hours of operation is
listed on the mobile student website. If your problem occurs at a time when the
drop-in centres are not staffed then visit either ITSC. Hours of operation are from 8
a.m. until 11 p.m Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.