09 Usage Recommendations and Troubleshooting | REG2000
09 Usage Recommendations and
9-1 Regular Maintenance
9-2 Greasy Dirt Problems
9-3 Fiber Dust Problems
9-4 Corrosion Problems
9-5 Industrial Dust Problems
9-6 Installation and Wiring Problems
9-7 Multi-function Input/Output Terminal Application Problems
The Power Regenerative Unit has various warnings and protections against errors such as over-voltage,
low voltage, or over-current. Once an error occurs, the protections activate, the Power Regenerative Unit
stops output and activates the error contacts. Please refer to the error display from the Power
Regenerative Unit and look up the corresponding causes and solutions. The fault record is stored in the
Power Regenerative Unit internal memory and can store the six most recent error messages. You can read
it from the digital keypad or through the communications by accessing the parameters.
The Power Regenerative Unit includes a large number of electronic components, including ICs, resistors,
capacitors, transistors, cooling fans and relays. These components do not last forever. Even under normal
circumstances, they will eventually become error-prone if used past their lifespans. Therefore, you must
perform periodic preventive maintenance to identify defective and worn out parts, and eliminate the causes
of malfunctions in the Power Regenerative Unit at an early stage. At the same time, parts that have
exceeded their product life should be replaced whenever possible to ensure safe operation.
Visual checks should be done regularly to monitor the unit’s operation, and to make sure nothing unusual
happens. Check the situations listed in the following table.
After an error occurs, the error must be cleared for at least five seconds before the
RESET key is enabled.
The Power Regenerative Unit must first be switched off for at least five minutes for
22 kW models, and 10 minutes for
30kW models until the charging indicator turns
off, and the DC voltage between terminals – must be lower than 25 V before it
is safe to open the cover to begin maintenance operations.
Only qualified personnel can work on maintenance or replace parts. (Remove metal
items such as watch, rings, and other metal items before operation, and use only
insulated tools.)
Never modify the Power Regenerative Unit in any way.
The performance and the surrounding environment should meet the standard
specifications. There should be no abnormal noise, vibration, or odor.