Configure the Tylock lock
• Create your Tylock account.
• Add your home to the ‘Sites’ menu.
Remember to enter your time zone.
• Associate the Tylock lock to your site,
by adding it from the ‘Devices’ menu.
Your lock is ready to be used with your
administrator account. You can manage badges and
NFC cards, smartphone access and spare keys.
Manage accesses
Add and authorise a badge or NFC card
To add and authorise a badge or NFC card stay close
to the lock.
• Open the ‘Access’ menu.
• Add your lock and press ‘Badges’.
• Select your lock. When the lock is flashing,
present the badge or card to be added.
• You must then name this badge or card and assign
it an operating range (start date and end date).
Create smartphone access.
You can create 2 types of access:
- ‘Guest’ access (does not require a Tylock account)
- The ‘Users’ access.
Creation of a ‘Guests’ type access:
• Open the ‘Access’ menu.
• Add your lock and press ‘Guest Mode Access’.
• You must then name this access and assign it an
operating range (start date and end date).
• You can send the remote access authorization
by SMS or e-mail to your guest using the ‘Share
Access’ button
After installing the application, entering the ID and
Access Code received, your Guest will be able to
operate the lock.
Creation of a ‘User’ type access:
Before allowing a ‘user’ access,
the person you wish to add must have a user
account. Get the e-mail address associated with this
• Open the ‘Access’ menu
• Select the lock for which you wish to create
an access, and press the ‘User account access’
• Fill in the e-mail address of the account you want
to add and select the type of use:
- Moderator type:
The moderator may invite others to operate
the lock.
- User type:
This type of access requires the assignment of
an operating range (start date and end date).
View history
• Open the ‘Log’ menu to view the history.
If necessary, you can allow each user to view the
entire site history by modifying their privileges.
• Open the ‘Sites’ menu, press the ‘Users’ button,
• Select the desired person and change their
privileges for this site to ‘User’.
Add a spare key
Option: If there is a problem with the connected
lock, you can open the lock with the spare key.
• Open the ‘Access’ menu.
• Add your lock and press ‘Add spare key’.
Remember to give the spare key a name.
Using the spare key:
• Remove the button and the controller unit (see
installation guide), then position the spare key
near the smartphone and the lock.
Activate the spare key with the application:
• Open the ‘Access’ menu, ‘Keys’ tab and select the
lock you want to open.
• Press the ‘Activate’ button (the key remains active
for 15 seconds).
Insert the spare key into the cylinder, push and turn
the key to open the door.
Remember to keep the removal key and the
spare key (sufficiently charged) in a place
outside the building/home.
Change the battery
When changing the battery or when restarting the
lock, by removing and replacing the battery, the time
of the lock must be set using the application.
From the main screen of the application:
• Press the battery logo.
• Then select ‘Replace battery’ and enter the date
for a battery change, or press ‘Set time’ if you
have only restarted the lock.
Bluetooth smart lock
User guide
Install the Tylock lock
Follow the instructions in the installation guide for
your Tylock lock.
Download the Tylock application
Depending on your device:
• Scan the QR code below to install the application
or log in to Google play or App Store, search and
download the ‘Tylock’ application.
• Enable the bluetooth connection of your
smartphone. For Android smartphones enable GPS
• Run the Tylock application and follow the
The Tylock lock is only compatible
with the Tylock application
Remotely, you can:
Add/Edit/Delete/Deactivate a smartphone
Badge or NFC card.
To Add/Edit/Delete/Deactivate a badge or NFC
card you must stay close to the lock.
The Tylock application is constantly evolving.
Updates are regularly released to manage your
lock with your Smartphone in complete security!
Google play is a registered trademark of Google LLC. App Store is a service
mark of Apple Inc. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
The N mark is a registered trademark of the NFC Forum, Inc.