1. Log in to PowerStore Manager.
2. Under
, select the appliance that you want to power off.
3. Under
More Actions
, select
Power Down
window opens.
4. Review any errors, warnings, and recommendations. Once the appliance passes all of the validation checks, click
Active Objects
window opens.
5. Review the list of objects on the appliance that had I/O activity during the last five minutes.
6. Click
window opens.
7. Enter the service password, and click
Power Down
8. Check the status of the LEDs in the rear of chassis to verify that the appliance has powered off. Other than the LEDs for
the power supply unit, management port, and service port, all other LEDs on the appliance must be OFF.
9. Wait five minutes, and then disconnect the power cables from the base enclosure.
10. Disconnect the power cables from any associated expansion enclosures.
Power off a PowerStore X model appliance
Do not power off the appliance if you are replacing a hardware component. Identify the node that includes the faulted
hardware component, and power off only that node. For more information, see
Power off a PowerStore X model node
page 113.
Powering off an appliance results in the mapped hosts losing access to the data on the appliance. Before you begin, ensure
that you temporarily disconnect host access from all storage resources.
Obtain the following information:
Address of the VMware vCenter server associated with the appliance
Associated vCenter server account credentials
Service tags of the appliance and, if applicable, the associated expansion enclosures
About this task
Use the following procedure to power off a single PowerStore X model appliance.
To power off all of the appliances in a cluster, see
Power off a PowerStore X model cluster
1. Log in to PowerStore Manager.
2. Use PowerStore Manager to identify VMs that utilize the iSCSI or FC store of the appliance.
a. Select
Storage Containers
b. Select the first Storage Container.
c. Select
Virtual Volumes
d. Select the
Show Filters
e. Select
Add Filter
f. Identify the VMs that are using storage on the appliance and the VMs that are running on the appliance.
g. Repeat these steps for each Storage Container.
3. In vCenter, power off the VMs identified in the previous step as well as any VMs using VMFS or volume on the appliance.
If you migrate compute VM storage objects to another appliance, you can migrate the compute VM to that
appliance instead of powering it off.
4. Launch an SSH client, and connect to the appliance using the management IP address.
5. Enter the username and password that is associated with the service account, and log in.
6. Run the following command to determine if the appliance you are shutting down is the primary appliance:
svc_cluster_management GetClusterStatus
Power control procedures