Locating the Service Tag of your system
You can identify your system using the unique Express Service Code and Service Tag. Pull out the information tag in
the front of the system to view the Express Service Code and Service Tag. Alternatively, the information may be on a
sticker on the chassis of the system.
The mini Enterprise Service Tag (EST) is found on the back of the system. This information is used by Dell EMC to
route support calls to the appropriate personnel.
Figure 9 Service Tag
Information tag (top view)
Information tag (bottom view)
OpenManage Mobile (OMM) label (optional)
iDRAC MAC address and iDRAC secure password label
If you have opted for secure default access to iDRAC, the iDRAC secure default password is available
on the back of the system Information tag. This section of label will be blank, if you have not opted for
secure default access to iDRAC, then the default user name and password are root and Scaleio123,
Service Tag
System information tag
The Information tag is a slide-out label panel that contains system information such as Service Tag, NIC, MAC address,
and so on. If you have opted for the secure default access to iDRAC, the Information tag also contains the iDRAC
secure default password.
Front system information
Front system information explains LED behavior and displays hard drive configuration and layout
The images below are standard images placed on systems that are based on PowerEdge technology. Not all
options in these images are supported for VxFlex appliance and VxFlex Ready Node.
VxFlex appliance and VxFlex Ready Node R740xd system overview
R740xd Owner's Guide