config set timezone US/Central
The Timezone name is: US/Central
*** You made a change to the timezone setting. To fully effect this change
*** (in currently running processes), you need to reboot the machine.
6. Reboot the primary node for the time zone change to take effect:
system reboot
The 'system reboot' command reboots the system. File access is interrupted during the
Are you sure? (yes|no|?) [no]:
ok, proceeding.
The system is going down for reboot.
7. After the system completes the reboot, login again as
using the serial number as a password. Press
get through the EULA, sysadmin password prompt, and config setup wizard.
8. Generate an autosupport sent to yourself to use as ACG input:
autosupport send [email protected]
OK: Message sent.
9. Generate an ACG using the produced ASUP.
Configure HA for new installations
The HA interconnect between both nodes is connected.
The data connections on both nodes are connected.
About this task
Configure the two nodes as an HA pair.
Configuring an HA pair sets the system password on the standby node to match the system password on the active
node, however, that synchronization is not set until the HA configuration is complete. If the HA configuration fails, or if
there is a need to access either node before the HA configuration is complete, use the serial number of each node as the
1. Verify the certificate subject name on the primary node.
Run the following command:
adminaccess certficate show
adminaccess certificate show
Subject Type Application Valid From Valid Until
-------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------------------
dd-ha3a.example.com host https Tue Aug 8 14:11:28 2018 Sat Aug 7
21:11:28 2022
dd-ha3a.example.com ca trusted-ca Tue Aug 8 21:04:53 2018 Mon Aug 7
21:04:53 2024
-------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------------------
2. Verify the certificate subject name on the standby node.
Run the following command:
adminaccess certficate show
adminaccess certificate show
Subject Type Application Valid From Valid Until
-------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------------------
dd-ha3b.example.com host https Tue Aug 8 15:11:28 2018 Sat Aug 7
22:11:28 2022
dd-ha3b.example.com ca trusted-ca Tue Aug 8 22:04:53 2018 Mon Aug 7
22:04:53 2024
Configure System for Use