When configuring IP connectivity between Converged Systems, you must validate IP connectivity
between the two VMware vSphere 6.0 vcesys_esx_mgmt VLANs and verify that all required protocols
and ports are allowed on any firewalls between the two vcesys_esx_mgmt VLANs.
Refer to the following VMware KB article for additional information with VMware vSphere 6.0:
All local and remote ELM with VMware vSphere 6.0 components require DNS and NTP support.
VMware ELM References
These references provide additional information about VMware ELM.
Topic title
How to repoint a VMware vCenter server 6.0 between External PSCs in a site
Repointing VMware vCenter server 6.0 between sites in a VMware vSphere Domain
Using the cmsso command to unregister VMware vCenter server 6.0 from Single Sign-On
List of recommended topologies for VMware vSphere 6.0
Determining replication agreements and status with the VMware Platform Services
Controller 6.0
VMware ELM Conclusions
Enhanced Linked Mode with VMware vSphere 6.0 provides single pane of glass management for up to
eight PSCs and ten VMware vCenters in a Single Sign-On Domain and provides simultaneous single
pane of glass management for up to ten VMware vCenter servers. This provides an operational
improvement in managing multiple VMware vCenter servers. However, as the number of PSCs and
VMware vCenter servers increases, the size of the VMware vSphere 6.0 fault domain becomes larger.
Processes to backup and restore any VMware vSphere component participating in ELM must be
absolutely reliable and supportable across Converged Systems and data centers. To maintain
synchronization of PSC replication requires 100% network availability between PSCs in different
Converged Systems or data centers. After a PSC outage, synchronization may take some time to occur.
In addition, as the size of the SSO Sign-On domain increased, maintenance updates require more
planning and coordination, since VMware Build Numbers must be consistent in an ELM with VMware
vSphere 6.0 configuration. Upgrading any Converged System in an ELM with VMware vSphere 6.0
configuration also requires a corresponding upgrade for any other Converged Systems joined to the same
VMware vSphere 6.0 Single Sign-On domain. Upgrades are usually performed in a maintenance window
with time allocated to install, verify and, if necessary, back out the upgrade. Although a VMware vSphere
6.0 Single Sign-On domain can be large, the Dell EMC approach for ELM with VMware vSphere 6.0
deployments takes into account the increased complexity for backup and recovery and RCM upgrades.
Configuring VMware Enhanced Linked Mode (vSphere 6.0)