Connect cables to installed DAE
Continue the installation of the optional DAE by connecting the back-end SAS cables,
and then connecting the DAE to rack power.
Use the next tasks to correctly locate, label, and connect the SAS cables to the new
DAE and the storage processors or other DAEs, and to connect the DAE to rack power
Routing the cables using the cable management arms
1. For SP A: route DAE power cables and back-end cables using the lower, A-side
2. For SP B: route DAE power cables and back-end cables using the upper, B-side
After you finish
Fully open and close the DAE to test the cable management arms and cable routing to
ensure that proper slack has been provided for the cables. Loosen any tight cables so
that removing or inserting the DAE does not pull out a cable from its port.
Cable label wraps
Each system comes with a cable label wrap guide or set of cable label wraps to affix to
the cables. These labels should be affixed to the appropriate cables as you connect
the cables.
If your system was assembled at the factory, all the cable labels have been affixed to
the cables except for any DAEs you have ordered. Additionally, if your system was not
assembled at the factory, the cable kit supplied with your product will have all the
required cables already labeled except for the DAEs.
Attaching expansion (back-end) cables to an 80-drive DAE
Do NOT FORCE the cable into a connector. A click indicates that the cable is
completely seated in the connector.
Before you begin
To prepare for this cabling task:
Locate the mini-SAS HD cables to be used to connect to the newly installed
expansion DAE.
Typically these cables are 2-meters long. You use longer cables, typically 5-meters
or 8-meters, to connect enclosures located in different racks. Cables are shipped
without labels attached. The cables and ports are not colored.
Locate the sheet of cable labels provided.
Orient the cable connectors as described in the procedure that follows, making sure
that you do NOT connect:
A DAE expansion port 0 to another expansion port 0.
Field Upgrade Procedure
Unity All Flash and Unity Hybrid
Field Upgrade Procedure