Show drive information
This command provides detailed information about the specified HDD.
Command syntax
shmcli (info drive | infodrive | id) (-a=<(SAS WWID | AdapterIndex)> [-enc=<(WWN | EnclIndex)>
[-w=<DrawerIndex>]] -d=<(WWN | EnclosureSlotIndex | DrawerSlotIndex | Serial Number | Drive OS
Path)> [-outputformat=<SupportedOutputFormats>] [-smart] | -d=<(WWN | Serial Number | Drive OS
Path [-outputformat=<SupportedOutputFormats>>)] [-smart] | [-h])
Table 20. Drive information
Specifies the adapter used for the command. This is either SAS
WWID or AdapterIndex.
Specifies the enclosure used for the command. This is either WWN
or EnclIndex.
Specifies the drawer index used for the command.
Specifies the hard disk drive used for the command. This can be
any of the following:
WWN — Can be used anytime.
Serial Number — Can be used anytime.
Drive OS path — Can be used anytime.
Drawer Slot Index (Index of the drive in the specific drawer) —
Use if the 'drawer' argument is used for the command.
Enclosure Slot Index — Use if drawer argument is not being
used for the command
You can specify the following output formats: XML or JSON.
Provides more information about the command, description, and
Display the S.M.A.R.T attribute data for the specific physical drive.
Command examples
info drive -a = 500abcdefgh12345 -enc = 1 -w = 0 -d = 4
info drive -a = 1 -enc = 1 -d = //./PHYSICALDRIVE50 -smart -outputformat = xml
info drive -d = 500a123456789012
CLI reference