User Manual UX11
Horizontal coordinates in the Exif metadata are always exported as a longitude and a latitude relative
to the WGS84 ellipsoid. Altitude, on the other hand, may be provided as either the height above the
WGS84 ellipsoid, or the height above the EGM96 geoid (default).
Select the format and options for exported images, and verify that the estimated export size does
not exceed the available disk space.
to initiate the export.
The application creates a directory tree into which the selected images are copied with the correct
metadata in the Exif/XMP fields.
A progress bar is shown during this process.
When done, in the Windows file explorer, right click on the aircraft drive and click
You can now safely disconnect the USB cable from the aircraft.
It is strongly advised to make backups of the raw flight folders. You should copy the raw flight folders
from the aircraft drive to your desktop computer or any other media for safeguarding, and delete them
only when you are sure to be fully satisfied with the post-processed, filtered and exported datasets.
Configuration settings and options Digital Elevation Model
The application relies on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to compute image projections and coverage
maps. It is also used to apply quality checks such as flight height filtering, and to display the estimated
AGL (Above Ground Level) height in the image metadata viewer.
Other than these convenience features, the DEM is not necessary for actual processing and has no
impact on the quality of the exported dataset.
During installation, you are proposed to download DEM files locally. The complete SRTM90 DEM is
about 21 GB, but you may select a subset of it, according to your needs.
If need be, you can update the installed DEM subset in the application’s
Elevation Model
In the application’s
menu, you may alternately point to the online Delair SRTM90 web
service, but in that case an Internet connection is required during the whole work session. Moreover, Delair
does not guarantee the service to always remain available and up. This service is mostly provided in case
you do not have the local DEM installed for some areas only and are not in a situation where you can easily
download it (for instance, due to limited network bandwidth). Performance importing and processing a
flight dataset may be sub-optimal when the online DEM is used.
Custom DEMs are not currently supported in
Delair After Flight
. As a result, features such as image
projections and flight height filtering may yield different results than estimated by
Delair Flight Deck
if a
custom DEM was used.
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This document is the sole property of Delair and cannot be used or reproduced without the written authorization of Delair.