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The input offset between sensor 1 (input 1) and sensor 2 (input 2) must be between 5 % (min) and 45 % (max) of
the period time, for the XDi to be able to determine the rotation direction. In the example above, input 1 is ahead of
input 2 and therefore the RPM direction is positive.
To shift the measured direction, simply connect sensor 1 to input 2 and vice versa.
In the system below there was a wish to move the 2
sensor (to the right) closer to the 1
sensor (left)
The optimal positioning of the 2
sensor is with an offset equal to 25% of the distance L at the drawing above. In
the actual layout where there can be some tolerances to take in consideration, we will recommend that the offset
between sensors it between 10% and 30% of the distance L.
Digital dimmer input
The DX1 inputs can also be configured to act as push-button dimmer inputs. The input is only shared on CAN when
it is activated (that is at a change), and therefore it is possible to have more than one push-button dimmer device
controlling the dimmer level in the same dimmer group.
The digital dimmer input must be preconfigured in the selected product profile to be active.