Parameter Range
Default Notes
0 to 60
The PID gain for the regulator.
0 s to 1 min 2.5 s
The PID control integral time.
To turn off the integral component, set Ti to 0. This might cause unexpected regulator
0 to 2 s
0 s
The PID control derivative.
Relay AVR output voltage parameters
The following tables contain the parameters for a relay AVR output that are used during voltage regulation.
The voltage regulation parameters define relay regulation when the controller regulates the voltage.
Configure these parameters under
Configure > Parameters > Regulators > AVR relay configuration > Voltage regulation
0 to 100
This is the gain for the regulator.
0 to 10 %
2 %
The deadband for the regulator, as a percentage of the nominal voltage.
6.3.3 Reactive power regulation
By controlling the AVR current for the genset, the controller controls the reactive power (kvar) of the genset. The controller sends a
signal to the AVR to change the excitation of the generator. This changes the phase angle between the current and the voltage,
hereby regulating the reactive power.
More information
AC configuration and nominal settings
General equipment AC protections
for more information.
If a genset is connected to the busbar along with other power generating equipment, the controller can use reactive power regulation
to ensure that the genset provides the same amount of reactive power to the busbar.
The controller also uses reactive power regulation when ramping up the reactive power of a genset (increasing the load), and when
ramping down the reactive power of a genset (decreasing the load).
If multiple gensets are connected to the same busbar section, the controller can regulate its genset to provide the required amount
of reactive power. Connected gensets automatically run at the same engine speed. Therefore, decreasing the excitation in the
generator automatically decreases the reactive power that it provides, and increases the load on the other power generating
equipment. Increasing the excitation in the generator automatically increases the reactive power that the genset provides, and
decreases the load on the other power generating equipment.
Alternatively the reactive power set point can be configured using Modbus.
More information
External communication over Modbus
for more information about how the reactive power set point is
configured using Modbus.
Analogue AVR output reactive power parameters
The following table contains the parameters for an analogue AVR output that are used during reactive power regulation.
The reactive power regulation parameters define analogue regulation when the controller regulates the genset reactive power
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