Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
Dyn a m ic RF Op e ra tio n
Figure 2-22. Dynamic RF display
When the ACE9600 hardware is configured with internal L-band
frequency converters, the RF input center frequency and RF output
center frequency can be changed dynamically. The RF update rate must
be equal or slower than the delay update rate. The maximum RF update
rate is 10 msec. The RF dynamic parameter file is assigned in File
Menu #2.
Dyn a m ic Mu ltip a th Fa d in g Op e ra tio n
When the ACE9600 hardware is configured with optional multipath
fading, a twelve tap fading model can be changed dynamically. The
Fade update rate must be equal or slower than the delay update rate.
The maximum Fade update rate is 100 msec. The Fade dynamic
parameter file is assigned in File Menu #2.
Only one file is required to control the entire 12 tap model. Parameters
that can be dynamically changed are Doppler, path loss, delay, Angle
of Arrival, and Log Normal. Each path is independently controllable.
Rician k-factor, correlation, and path type cannot be changed