Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
would move delay forward through the delay file by 5 data points, and
1 point of RF Frequency multipath Fading for every 5 presses of the
Step Fwd
Figure 2-16. Dynamic Time Step Keys
Dyn a m ic File S ta rt P o in t
Dynamic data files can begin execution at other than the first file point
by setting a Start Time Offset. Press the
Start Time Offset
key to
modify the value. Start Times must be a multiple of 1 second. The
dynamic run will begin at the data point corresponding to the start time
offset. For example, if the update rate is 2 msec, and the start offset is 3
seconds, the first data point to be implemented is point number 1500 (3
Mu lti-Ch a s s is S yn c h ro n iza tio n
The ACE has the capability to synchronously start a dynamic run with
up to four instrument chassis’
from a single user interface. A single
trigger into the Master is distributed to the Slave units, to allow
precise timing alignment with up to 16 channels.
Figure 2-17. Multi-Chassis Sync Mode Keys