4.3. Preliminary checks
Check that the various parts of the machine do not exhibit physical damage due to bumps, tears or
In the event that damage is found, interrupt the installation procedure and report the nature of the damage
to the person in charge of the machine. If necessary, contact the DazeTechnology srl sales office.
Clean the machine, removing dust and residues of bubble wrap and adhesive tapes.
Transport the charging station manually in order to install it on the wall suitable for installation.
During handling by hand there is a risk of tripping on the vehicle power cable.
4.4. General criteria for choosing the place of installation
Before starting to transport the machine parts from the storage area to the place of installation, check the
feasibility of the place of installation. The place of installation must be suitable and free of materials and
equipment on the entire surface required for handling, between the place of storage and the place of
installation (included).
The position chosen for installing the machine must allow easy connection to the power supply line.
Respect the local regulations in force for electrical installations, fire prevention measures and rescue
ways at the place of installation.
Do not install the device in places:
at risk of explosion (EX environment).
used as escape routes.
where objects can fall (eg hanging stairs or car tires).
in which it is possible that it is hit by jets of water under pressure (eg due to washing
systems, high pressure cleaners, garden hoses).
If possible, install the device so that it is protected from direct exposure to rain, to avoid for example
deterioration due to inclement weather, freezing, damage due to hail or similar.
If possible, install the device so that it is protected from direct sunlight.
Respect the allowed environmental conditions (from -10 ° C to + 55 ° C).
The surface on which the device is placed must be flat.
Comply with the national and international regulations in force concerning construction and the
directives, for example IEC 60364-1 and IEC 60364-5-52.
The correct positioning of the charging station is very important for the operation of the equipment.
When choosing the mounting position, take into account the position of the charging connection on your
vehicle and the usual parking direction: especially for Dazebox equipped with a 3 meter long charging cable,
it is important to position the charging station near the position of the socket of the parked vehicle.
Around the charging station it is necessary to leave the space free to ensure ease of use. If several
DazeBoxes are installed close to each other, a distance of at least 200 mm must be left between the
ENG - June 2020 - Rev. 1