Connecting a Davis Vantage Pro 2 or Vue to Weather Underground Using a
Weatherlink IP Device
Complete installation of your weather station.
installation diagrams and instructions
Connect the Weatherlink IP device to the
Vantage Vue
Vantage Pro 2
Connect the Weatherlink IP to the Internet (plug it in to your router).
Create a free Weatherlink account at
Click the
Add Devices
at the top right corner of the
Weatherlink website.
On the device menu, click the
in the
WeatherlinkIP section.
Enter your
Station Name
. Select the weather station
. Identify your
Station Usage
. Enter your
Device ID
. Enter your device
Both the Device ID (DID) and Key are found on the sticker attached to the Weatherlink IP device.
Confirm your station is communication with the Weatherlink website.
Verify data appears on the website.
Helpful Tip:
If no data appears, power cycle the display console after connecting the Weatherlink
IP device.