B E L K Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
v . 1 . 0 . 9
These packages can be installed with the following command:
sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip
texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat
libsdl1.2-dev xterm
It is also recommended to switch the system shell from
Ubuntu's standard dash to more universal bash:
:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash Initializing the build environment
In the BELK, we have simplified the Yocto initialization phase,
relying on the repo tool and on a BORA/BORAX bsp git
repository, so that the initialization can be completed with a
few commands as reported below:
:~$ mkdir belk && cd belk
:~/belk$ curl
oads/repo > repo
:~/belk$ chmod a+x repo
:~/belk$ ./repo init -u
[email protected]:dave/bora/bora-bsp.git -b bora
:~/belk$ ./repo sync Build the Yocto image
Please note that even building the basic root file system
requires a few hours to complete the process on a mid-hi range
desktop PC (4-6 cores, 8-12 GiB RAM), also depending on the
Internet connection speed (all source are fetched from the
network). Nearly 20GiB of disk space is required for the build.
Once completed the initialization phase, developers can launch
the Yocto image build process with the following commands:
:~$ cd ~/belk
:~/belk$ source bora-bsp-init-env.sh build
:~/belk/build$ bitbake base-rootfs-image
Please note that even the basic root file system requires a few
March, 2016