Datexel Simply Modbus Setup Manual Download Page 1

Using Simply Modbus to read Temperature with 

Modbus Slave Thermocouple module.



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Set up Simply Modbus.

1.  Download demo or purchase the RTU Simply 

Modbus Master from 

2.  Install and run the Software.

1.  Connect 24 Vdc to Terminal I and J.

2.  Connect RS485 from the PC to A (D-) and B 


3.  Connect a thermocouple or temperature Cali-

brator to Channel 0.

4.  If you do not know the Thermocouple Modbus 

Slave connect the short on INIT and recycle 

the power. This will set all the communication 

parameters to the following. 

•  Baud Rate 9600.

•  Data bits 8.

•  Stop Bits 1.

•  Parity None. 

Set up DAT3016.

Setting the Communication Port 

on the Simply Modbus Software.

1.  The mode of Communication is RTU.

2.  The Com port of the PC is 3. This could be 


3.  The Baud rate is 9600.

4.  The Data bits is 8.

5.  The Stop bits is 1.

6.  The Parity is none.
