DDR-16/32 Installation and Operating Guide
Page 13
DDR-16/32 Installation & Operating Guide
Document # 9301H85300 Ver. 0.91
3.0 Systems Not Pre-Configured
All MDS EQ3-AoIP units are fully tested before shipping, and therefore in the event that audio streaming
is not working out of the box, it is likely that the AES67 routing settings have been changed or are
incompatible with the current environment, for example the sourcing device name has changed. The
following details simple configuration verification and modification that can easily performed in the field.
Start the Chrome MDNS Browser (see troubleshooting) to discover the IP addresses of these
destinations: EQ3 Configuration page and two ArchWave pages (one from inside the EQ3, and
the other from inside the AP25.) See Appendix for sample screen captures.
Connection to the EQ3 Configuration page indicates that EQ3 is up and running.
Connect to the AP25 AUDIOLAN page which is indicated by the Device name of ‘uNet2500-42-
04-DA’. Under the ‘Stream provider’ tab the status for each of the streams should be
‘Transmitting’. See Appendix for a sample screen capture.
Connect to the EQ3 AUDIOLAN page which is indicated by the Device name of ‘EQ3-AES67-
sink’. Under the ‘Stream consumer’ tab there should be a square block for each channel. At the
top right corner of each block there should be a blue ‘Receiving’ indication. If it is red Receiving
text with error, there may be a AES67 negotiation problem which will resolve itself in a few
minutes. See Appendix for a sample screen capture.
Connect to the EQ3 RS-232 serial port (8 bit, 115200 bps.) In response to ‘/’ (the slash key) and
<Enter> some status information is printed. Specifically the ‘Consecutive frames’ counter should
be incremented between each ‘/’ command, indicating that the DSP is receiving I2S clocks. See
the Appendix for a sample screen capture.
In case the above steps did not resolve the problem, it is possible that for unknown reason the system
configuration has been lost. To fully configure the system from factory reset, please refer to the EQ3
document ‘Getting Started with EQ3.pdf’ and the AP25 document ‘AP25 AES67 Out Card (H790)
Installation and Setup’ (included with the AP25 shipping box.)