Manual Restart:
after the ESPE has detected an opaque object in the controlled area, the light curtain begins its
normal functioning only by pressing the Restart button (normal open push button) and after the object has been
removed from the controlled area.
The OSSDs go in normal operation state after the RESTART signal goes low, and not after 500msec.
A timeout greater than 5s on the high RESTART brings the ESPE in failure lockout.
Fig 43 - Restart timings (manual)
In Manual Restart the RESET/RESTART/ALIGN input (pin 3 of M12-12 poles
– RX side) has to be connected to a
24VDC normally-open contact.
Fig 44 - Restart connection (manual)
Here below the way to select the restart mode is explained, both through push-button and the graphic user
Fig 45 - Restart Mode
Carefully assess risk conditions and reset modes. In applications protecting access to
dangerous areas, the automatic reset mode is potentially unsafe if it allows the operator
to pass completely beyond the sensitive area.
In this case, the manual reset or, for example, the manual reset of the SE-SR2 relay (see
cfr.ACCESSORIES page 65) is necessary.