In Alignment Mode ESPE is always in Safe State and the OSSDs are kept OFF.
The state of alignment is estimated from RX unit by reading the received signal level of each beam compared on 4
factory established thresholds. First and last beams received level get some more weight.
In alignment mode user interface informs the user about quality and level of alignment:
Keep the receiver in a steady position and set the emitter until the yellow SYNC1 LED is OFF. This condition
shows the effective alignment of the first synchronisation beam
Rotate the emitter, pivoting on the lower optics axis, until the yellow SYNC2 LED is OFF
Delimit the area in which alignment is good and steady through some micro adjustments - for the first and then for
the second unit
– in order to have the maximum alignment LEVEL (
) and then place both units in the
centre of this area
Fix the two units firmly using brackets. Verify that the LEVEL on the RX unit is as high as possible and beams are
not interrupted, then verify that all LEVEL Led turn OFF if even one single beam is interrupted. This verification
shall be made with the special cylindrical “Test Piece” having a size suitable to the resolution of the device used
(see cfr.
Controls after first installation page 24
Switch-off and on the device in standard operating mode. The alignment level is monitored also during the device
normal operation with the same display (see cfr.
User interface page 54
). Once the light curtain has been aligned
and correctly fastened, the signal display is useful both to check the alignment and show a change in the
environmental conditions (occurrence of dust, light disturbance and so on) via signal level monitoring.
Fig 36 - Alignment status