3-Slot Cradle LED Indicators
Power On (Blue LED)
Solid blue
Dock is powered.
User LED (Green LED)
*. Available depending on 3-Slot Cradle model.
Green dimming anima
(all slots in sequence)
Cradle application start.
Flash green for 300 ms
(single slot)
Device properly locked in.
Solid green (single slot)
Could notify that the slot is unlocked (if programmed to use
green led to notify unlock status) or it could be controlled by
software using our SDK.
Maintenance LED (Red LED)
Blink red, 1 quick pulse
(single slot)
Cradle not calibrated. Usually it is notified simultaneously on
all slots. Solution: perform an "auto calibration" from DL Cra
dle Manager. Ensure that levers are free to move.
Blink red, 2 quick pulses
(single slot)
Lever wrong position. It is open but it should be closed or
vice versa. Solution: restore the lever position (e.g.remove
the mechanical key from the slot).
Maintenance LED (Red LED)
Blink red, 3 quick pulses
(single slot)
FOD (Foreign Object Detection). It’s a WLC error related to
metallic parts between transmitter and receiver coils. The
power transfer is suspended. Solution: remove the device
from the cradle, then remove the metallic part causing the
Blink red, 4 quick pulses
(single slot)
EOC (end of charge) timeout error. The WLC EOC signal has
been kept enabled by the terminal for too much time. Typi
cally, it is caused by a bug in the terminal firmware. The
power transfer is disabled.
Blink red, 5 quick pulses
(single slot)
WLC generic error. The WLC system seems unstable and
unable to setup a stable power transfer within a reasonable
time. The power transfer is suspended. Solution: try to
extract the device from the cradle and to re-insert it again.
Blink red, 6 quick pulses
(single slot)
Device charging error.
Blink red, 7 quick pulses
(single slot)
Wrong daisy chain configuration error. More than two cradles
are connected in daisy chain. Solution: remove exceeding
cradles from the chain.
Solid red (middle slot
Firmware upgrade.