Installation and User Guide
DS6x00 EtherNet/IP Scanner
Rev 1.02
Instance Attribute Semantics
Vendor ID
Vendor IDs are used to identify the manufacturer of a product. Vendor IDs are managed by
ODVA. The Vendor ID for Datalogic Inc. is 850.
Device Type
Device Types are used to identify the device profile used for a product. Device profiles define
the minimum set of attributes and objects required for conformance. The list of Device Types is
managed by ODVA. 0 (Generic Device) is the Device Type for this product.
Product Code
The Product Code is a number (0-65535) used to identify a vendor’s product within the device
type. The product code refers to the behavior of the product on a given network and doesn’t
affect functionality not seen by the network. The Product Code for this series of devices is 3000.
Product Major/Minor Revision
The Major and Minor Revision identify the revision of the item the Identity Object represents.
Zero is invalid for either field. The current revision of the product is 1.01.
Status Word
The Status Word represents the status of the complete device. Only bit zero (“Owned”) is
monitored for this device.
0 - No I/O Connection Allocated
1 - I/O Connection Allocated
1 – 15
Serial Number
The Serial Number is a 32-bit number used in conjunction with the Vendor ID to form a unique
number on DeviceNet. Each vendor is responsible for guaranteeing the uniqueness of the serial
number across all of its devices.
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