Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV Reaction on list selection
If you tick off Return necessary for confirmation (...), the list is displayed until a selection is made
(in case of a list selection).
(no tick) Timeout 0 (...). The first found list input is applied without being displayed. Please be
careful in this case!
(no tick) Timeout >0. The list is displayed. You can select a list input by scrolling and apply it via
ENTER. If no acceptance occurs via ENTER, the selected list input is applied automatically after
the set time. Jumps
This field is available, if one of the following input functions is selected: Normal, Select from list, Write list
field, Confirmation, Copy GV/Timeboy variable to field, Copy field to GV/Timeboy variable, Fingerprint:
scan/ teach-in fingers/ delete finger templates/ carry out identification/ carry out verification or apply
debug value.
You can define jump targets within the input chain
for ESC or depending on a check (if this function
is available). That way it is possible e.g. to check
a status value (0/1). If the desired value is not
available, you can leave the input chain and avoid
the unwanted creation of a data record that way.
Figure 126: Defining jumps
5.2.7 Signal processing
Via the signal processing the digital and the analogous inputs are supervised and the digital outputs
controlled. Use as Start/Stop
In principle it is valid:
The digital input 1 can be used with at most 1 kHz; the input 2 with at most 10