Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
Only the well-defined serial number (already programmed by the producer) in segment 0 is used.
Security is created by a check of the permanent staff lists (as standard with Unique).
The process is absolute safe because the well-defined serial number is used.
The setup does not need to be adjusted to each costumer, i.e. the same setup can be used for various
The cards do not need to be programmed.
All free fields are available for other uses (canteen, drinks dispenser, firm equipment etc.).
While bookings are carried out, the name of the person can be displayed.
You have to load the lists, that should be controlled on the device compulsorily. (Alternative: This can
also be done via an online check with the server application.)
Datafox offers a desktop reader with USB-connection to read the serial numbers
into the PZE-software. By the keyboard emulation software the reader reacts like a
keyboard. The cursor is put to the field Card number and the transponder is read.
The number in the set segment is read and written to the position of the cursor.
5.2.4 Creating data record descriptions
When creating data record descriptions please note the following restrictions:
At most 25 data fields are admissible per each data record description.
The field length of date and time is set in advance by the format fix.
Numeric character fields and ASCII-fields with a firmware release smaller than
04.01.03 are limited to 20 characters, the following firmware versions can save
up to 40 characters in the fields.
The total length of a data record is limited to 230 byte.
At most 20 data record descriptions can be created.