Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
process. The reason for this are the different Access Conditions of the single sectors. Here the terminal
will not help you. Such error sources have to be eliminated before, or you have to make sure, that the
cards were not used yet. In that case such an error does not occur.
Conclusion If Formatting sector is deactivated, only the value is written on the card under Write card, on
the fingerprint field Sector trailer only the passwords for the memory range of the fingerprint templates
are set. If Formatting sector is activated, both passwords under Write card and block 4 of the segment
with Access Conditions on the fingerprint field Sector Trailer are written newly. If the fields to be written
are write-protected, an error message is displayed.
You may find further information about Mifare under http://www.mifare.net/ or www.nxp.com Products
=> Identification => MIFARE => MIFARE Classic. Application possibilities for Hitag-transponder
All Hitag-transponders have got a fixed serial number in segment 0 and further available segments. You
may find information about number, size and function in table
. There is the possibility to use different
segments. So you have several possibilities to use them with PZE and ZK. In the following you may find
2 examples for the possible use of PZE and ZK as well as the advantages and disadvantages.
You recommend the safer method with lists in the terminal. When using ZK lists
they are necessary anyway.
Example 1.
ZK-MasterIV setup for Hitag2 with firm code in segment 4 and personnel number in segment 5.
The firm code is filed in segment 4. When reading the card a format check is carried out, e.g. 010101*
for the customer ID 10101. The first 0 is created, because the fixed field length is 6. That means, even if
the customer ID becomes a 6-digit number, the process still works.
The personnel number is filed in segment 5 (card number = personnel number).
Security is created by the firm code exclusively. Of course a further list could be loaded. But this would
not be an improvement, because the clearness of the card number cannot be guaranteed.
The cards can be programmed via the terminal or the desktop reader TS-WR34_USBT article-no. 222001
No permanent staff lists have to be transmitted to the terminal.
Overlappings might be possible, if the firm code is not well-defined. That can happen, if you forget to
set the setup for the project or if another producer uses the same method. Different accounting programs
use different formats for the customer ID. The setup has to be set customer-specific.
Under Transponder the project number/customer ID has to be input.
The format check has to be set in each input chain.