Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV Function normal
New for this field function is the
switching-on and -off of the acoustic sig-
nalisation. The background is, that the
last access to the transponder shall cre-
ate a beep, in case of carrying out several
reading and writing processes within one
input chain.
Figure 116: Behaviour after Barcode - transponder reader
On the field Mifare some alterations were
carried out, so that now not only an
ASCII string can be read, but also bi-
nary values (as already possible at other
transponder processes). It is important,
that the password group is set correctly,
so that the data can be read.
Figure 117: Behaviour after Barcode - transponder reader Transponder value write, also for Hitag1, Hitag2 and Titan
Only values of global variables can be written.
Note for the user: With Hitag several segments can be used. If these segments use different formats, the
number of digits has to be set under Decimal (except for the use of only one segment). Otherwise, the
data might be written on an other range than desired.
The page Expanded has the same structure as the one for field function Normal. Transponder menu
The transponder menu is different only on the register card Mifare. The function Formatting sector was
added to the hitherto existing functions/ menu items. The activation of this new function causes, that
a card with key Ax and key Bx and its current ACBs is overwritten with the values of key A and key B
of field 1 and with the ACBs of block 4, set in the setup. In order to carry out a login with the correct
passwords, key Ax and key Bx have to be set in the password group 3. All this is important, if you want
to create a new password for a card, that is new/ unused or even already used.
Terminals with fingerprint If the terminal is equipped with fingerprint and Mifare, the menu item "Fin-
gerprint field sector trailer" is displayed in the transponder menu. Here the sectors, with the settings of
the password section, edited under Fingerprint, are set. If Formatting sector is active, the passwords and
the ACBs are set; if this option is deactivated, only the passwords are set. For the logging-in password the
field 3 is used. The number of sectors, that are not accessible, is displayed at the end of the formatting