The MP3-DSP is a series of hard disk drive MP3 players designed to simulate CD changers used in
jukeboxes, wallboxes, home automation systems and other personal entertainment products. The
player works with any 44-pin ATA/IDE 2.5 inch hard disk drive from 2 to 60GB having a maximum
height of 9.5mm, uses the FAT32 filesystem and supports both long and short filenames.
The MP3-DSP incorporates an adaptable interface that provides easy integration into existing audio
systems. The various model configurations include a connector cable or adapter cable specific to the
application. In most cases, a different cable is all that is needed for a new application. In addition, the
MP3-DSP employs a 9600-baud serial port interface offering direct control from any processor-based
The player supports all layer-III (MP3) encodings at fixed and variable bit-rates up to and including 320
kbits/s. A 24-bit DAC provides 96dB of audio dynamic range. Stored audio control settings include a
12-step digital bass enhance control (0..+18 dB), a 12-step tone attenuation (0..-18 dB), a 12-step
treble enhance control (0..+18 dB), a 96-step digital primary volume control (0..-96 dB), and a 96-step
secondary volume control (0..-96 dB for the Rowe CD Combo).
The kit versions come with a USB downloader circuit board and the MP3-DSP digital subsystem player
circuit board. The USB downloader adds a drive letter to your computer and is used to transfer MP3
files onto your disk drive. It can also be used as an external USB hard drive. The MP3-DSP is the
actual MP3 player and CD changer simulator allowing emulation of up to 256 discs, each having up to
99 tracks.
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Works with all laptop/notebook HDD’s
Supports all layer-III (MP3) encodings
Variable or fixed bit rates to 320 Kbps
Detects master/slave drive setting
Automatic power down on no activity
Can also be used as a portable player
MP3 Subsystem Player
For Jukeboxes, Wallboxes and
Home Automation Systems