NET-FRM01 Users Manual (Rev 1.3)
“Display Skip” toggle
When press this button, it displays a freeze-frame.
Frame rates/sec
“Pkt Delay” Selection
You can select a next Package Delay 0 ~ 15 after transfer Package. The unit is 5us.
“Shift Bits”
It is an option for Black/White Camera test, the bits 0-8 of the input frames can be moved
to the right. For example, you can view the images(8bit) after shifting 4bit in case of 12bit
Black/White camera.
5.2 UART/Status Function
“Baud” Selection
Select the Baud Rate (9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 Baud Rate).
“Send Serial” button
Send the UART data.