8000 AQUA
Calculation of resulting reference
The calculation made below gives the resulting
reference when parameter 210
Reference type
programmed for
[0] and
[1], respectively.
External reference is the sum of references from
terminals 53, 54, 60 and serial communication.
The sum of these can never exceed parameter
Max. reference.
External reference can
be calculated as follows:
(Par. 205 Max. ref. - Par. 204 Min. ref.) x Ana. signal Te r
m. 53 [V]
(Par. 205 Max. ref. - Par. 204 Min. ref.) x Ana. signal
Term. 54 [V]
Ext. ref.
Par. 310 Term. 53 Max. scaling - Par. 309
Term. 53 Min. scaling
Par. 313 Term. 54 Max. scaling - Par. 312
Term. 54 Min. scaling
(Par. 205 Max. ref. - Par. 204 Min. ref.) x Par. 314 Term.
60 [mA]
serial com. reference x (Par. 205 Max. ref. - Par. 204
Min. ref.)
Par. 316 Term. 60 Max. scaling - Par. 315
Term. 60 Min. scaling
16384 (4000 Hex)
Par. 210
Reference type
is programmed =
(Par. 205 Max. ref. - Par. 204 Min. ref.) x Par. 211-214
Preset ref.
Res. ref.
External ref. + Par. 204 Min. ref. + Par. 418/419
(only in closed loop)
Par. 210
Reference type
is programmed =
External reference x Par. 211-214 Preset ref.
Res.ref. =
Par. 204 Min. ref. + Par. 418/419 Setpoint (only in closed
Galvanic isolation (PELV)*
PELV offers protection by way of extra low voltage.
Protection against electric shock is considered to be
ensured when the electrical supply is of the PELV
type and the installation is made as described in
local/national regulations on PELV supplies.
In VLT 8000 AQUA all control terminals as well as
terminals 1-3 (AUX relay) are supplied from or in
connection with extra low voltage (PELV).
Galvanic (ensured) isolation is obtained by fulfilling
requirements concerning higher isolation and
by providing the relevant creapage/clearance
distances. These requirements are described
in the EN 50178 standard.
The components that make up the electrical
isolation, as described below, also comply with the
requirements concerning higher isolation and the
relevant test as described in EN 50178.
The galvanic isolation can be shown in three
locations (see drawing below), namely:
1. Power supply (SMPS) incl. signal isolation of U
indicating the intermediate current voltage.
2. Gate drive that runs the IGTBs (trigger
3. Current transducers (Hall effect current transducers).
*) 525-600 V units do not meet PELV requirements.
A motor thermistor connected to terminals 53/54
must be double isolated to obtain PELV.
MG.83.A2.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark